
Signs You May Need Help with Your Anger

Talking to a mental health professional – whether you’re struggling with anger problems, a mental health condition, or any difficult aspect of life – is always a good idea. However, certain signs may indicate that it’d be especially beneficial for you to seek help controlling your anger.

Having angry outbursts or feeling frequently irritable can indicate you need help with your anger and processing difficult emotions. If your friends, family, or colleagues are commenting on the way you respond to situations in a negative way, this could also be a sign that your anger is having a negative effect on relationships.

Additionally, if you notice that you become easily triggered and struggle to stay composed when things don’t go as planned, this could indicate that you need assistance managing your anger.

Other signs of needing help with anger include intentionally hurting and intimidating other people, breaking or destroying objects in frustration, holding grudges against people for long periods of time, drinking or using drugs excessively to cope with negative emotions and thoughts, and avoiding social activities (including arguments or disagreements with your romantic partner) because of fear of becoming angry.

If any of these behaviors sound familiar to you, then seeking professional help may be beneficial in addressing your issues. At Looking Glass NYC, our therapists understand the complexities related to anger management and offer evidence-based treatments such as: 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Dialectical behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Interpersonal Therapy 

 With the right approach and guidance from our professionals, it is possible to manage your anger symptoms more effectively.

Choosing the Right Anger Management Therapist For You

Are you finding it hard to regulate your anger, or have people told you that your temper is out of control? Is managing your frustration stopping you from reaching the heights of success within your career, relationship, or overall life that are within your reach?

Your anger no longer needs to define you. If you’re feeling helpless, angry, or like you’re living in a constant state of tension and frustration, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel like your anger is spiraling out of control, and you can’t seem to shake it – or the guilt and shame that may accompany it – off.

Thankfully, there are ways you can manage your emotions so that they don’t consume you or control your actions. With evidence-based anger management techniques and behavioral therapy, you can gain the skills to successfully control and conquer your anger – once and for all.

As trained mental health professionals in New York City, we assist our clients by creating achievable targets and practical methods of overcoming their issues so that they can connect with their true selves.

If you’d like to learn how therapy can help you feel less angry and out of control and enable you to live your best life, schedule a session with us today or read more below.

Types of Treatment for Anger Management

At Looking Glass NYC, we offer evidence-based anger management therapies to help you understand and manage angry thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

The most common form of therapy used for anger management is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps people recognize unhelpful or irrational thoughts and behaviors that can lead to outbursts of anger. It also teaches strategies for managing and diffusing emotions such as frustration, anger, anxiety, and rage.

Other evidence-based therapies include relaxation techniques such as slow, deep breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation. Additionally, antidepressants may be prescribed to help manage symptoms of anger.

No matter what type of therapy you choose, our team at Looking Glass NYC will work with you to develop an individualized plan that meets your needs and helps you find relief from your anger.


Anger Management: Risk Factors & Causes

Anger management problems can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some potential risk factors for developing anger issues:

Stress Management

Stress is one of the most common triggers for anger. It can cause you to act impulsively and lash out at others without thinking about the consequences.

Unresolved Feelings

Repressed or unresolved emotions such as sadness, fear, or resentment can lead to feelings of frustration and anger that are difficult to control.

Poor Coping Skills

If you have poor or lacking coping skills for handling your feelings, this may resort to lashing out in order to deal with uncomfortable situations or difficult emotions. Lashing out may include yelling, blaming others, or physical violence and aggression.

Substance Abuse Issues

The use of alcohol and drugs can lead to an increased likelihood of aggressive behavior and impaired judgment, which can make it more difficult to manage your anger in a healthy way.

Personality Traits

Certain personality traits such as impulsivity, low self-esteem, or susceptibility to depression can predispose someone to have difficulty managing their anger consistently.

Neurological Causes

In some cases, neurological disorders such as dementia or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can have an effect on emotional regulation and contribute to difficulty controlling one’s anger responses instinctively.


Trauma can lead to difficulty controlling one’s anger responses. Those who have experienced a traumatic event may be more susceptible to feeling angry, agitated, or overwhelmed in situations that may not typically cause these emotions in others. This is because trauma can disrupt the brain’s ability to regulate emotions and hinder the development of healthy coping skills. People with unresolved trauma may also struggle with feeling out of control in certain situations or distrustful of their surroundings. As a result, they might lash out at people as a way to protect themselves from potential threats or pain.

The Best Anger Management Techniques

Anger management is a set of techniques and strategies used to control anger and aggression. It can help people become aware of the triggers that cause their anger, as well as how to respond in a healthy way. There are many different types of anger management techniques, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the best anger management techniques:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. It helps people understand their emotions better and learn how to manage them in a healthier way.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy focuses on developing mindfulness, regulating emotions, improving relationships, and using distressing events as an opportunity to learn more coping strategies. It is a highly structured therapy that can help redirect anger in a positive way.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

This type of therapy helps people develop an awareness of their present moment and accept their emotions without passing judgment on them. This technique can be helpful for those who struggle with expressing anger or those who get overwhelmed easily by their emotions.

Panic disorder

Other techniques to help anger issues:

Supportive psychotherapy and the aid of mental health providers help people understand the root causes of their anger in order to better address it over time. It emphasizes listening without judgment and helps you talk through the issues you’re facing in a safe environment.

Anger Management Classes

Anger management classes, in tandem with evidence-based behavioral therapy, can be extremely effective in helping you process and release your anger.


Regular physical activity can help reduce stress levels and improve moods. Exercise also releases endorphins, which can help boost your overall sense of well-being.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress levels and calm down angry feelings.

Communication Skills

Learning how to communicate effectively can help you express your feelings in a more constructive way. This includes learning how to listen actively and speak calmly without getting angry or aggressive.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Developing problem-solving skills can help you find solutions to conflicts instead of reacting angrily or aggressively. This involves learning how to identify problems, brainstorm potential solutions, evaluate the pros and cons of each solution, choose the best option, implement it, and review the results.

Find an Anger Management Therapist in NYC

If you’re thinking about getting help for anger problems, congratulations! This is a profound step in learning more about yourself and how to process your emotions in a healthy manner.

At Looking Glass Psychology, you are welcome to explore who you are and grow in a relaxed, approachable environment—regardless of how you feel, where you came from, or what you believe. Remember, psychological challenges such as anger problems do not make you a “bad” person. But taking responsibility for your anger will help you become the person you want to be.

Reach out to us today; we can’t wait to help you become a better you.

Anger Management Therapy FAQs For New York

What should I expect from my first anger management therapy session?

During your first session, your anger management therapist will ask you questions to get to know you and understand your reasons for coming to therapy. Your therapist will want to learn about your history, what’s going on with you now, and learn about what you want to get out of anger management therapy. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask them questions about how therapy works so you know what to expect.

How long will I be in anger management therapy for?

The amount of time anger management therapy takes is different for each person. If you’re dealing with a short-term stressor or triggers that you want resolved, that will typically take less time than anger management issues you’ve been living with for a long time. For some, anger management therapy is short-term, taking just a few months until they are satisfied with their progress. For others, anger management therapy will become a part of their routine, helping them manage ongoing concerns in their life and having a safe outlet for them to explore themselves, their patterns, and understand themselves on a deeper level.

Virtual anger management therapy: How does it work?

With the rise in virtual therapy, it makes sense to want to know more about how it works. Research shows that virtual therapy, even for anger management, has the same benefits as therapy that takes place face-to-face. Virtual therapy is an effective way to fit therapy into your busy schedule, as it allows you to talk to your therapist in the comfort of your own home. With virtual therapy, you avoid the hurdles that can happen with face-to-face appointments, such as scheduling conflicts, traffic, and travel time. In order to make the most of your virtual session, meet with your anger management therapist in a private space in your home and have a good internet connection.

How do I pick the right anger management therapist for me?

You’ve decided to take that next step and start anger management therapy, and it can feel overwhelming to decide on a therapist. That’s why we offer a complimentary consultation call with a Looking Glass Intake Coordinator to help you make an informed choice. Every therapist has different strengths and styles that they bring to sessions. When you are in the process of selecting a therapist, talk to your coordinator about what you want to get out of therapy so you can rest assured that you are matched with the right person for you. After all, therapy is all about creating a space where you feel comfortable to open up, so finding a therapist that you click with is the first step on your journey to overcoming your anger!

Do you accept my health insurance for anger management therapy?

Looking Glass Psychology is Out-of-Network with health insurance. If you have an Out-of-Network or PPO insurance plan, your insurance will refund a large portion of each session as long as you have met your Out-of-Network deductible. After each appointment, we’ll supply you with a receipt called a superbill or reimbursement form. To submit for a partial refund, simply log into your health insurance portal to enter the information listed on your superbill. If you have an Out-of-Network plan and have met your Out-of-Network deductible, your health plan will mail the partial refund in the form of a check to your home a few weeks after each appointment. Questions? Email info@LookingGlassNYC.com or chat with us live during business hours by clicking the “Message Us” button on this page.

When can I book an appointment for anger management therapy?

Your appointment request is our top priority, so we’ll get you on the schedule as soon as possible – no waitlists and no hassle. Many of our clinicians offer both in-person and video appointments in the early morning, afternoon, late evening, or even weekends. To request an appointment, click the following link: https://lookingglassnyc.clientsecure.me or chat with us live during business hours by texting (646) 350-2202. Prefer a phone call? Contact us today by calling (646) 760-3399.

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